Perlaton Always and Forever

Perlaton Always and Forever

Abschlussfestival vom 18. Januar bis 31. Januar 2015

Always and Forever feiert das Perla-Mode und dessen Vielfältigkeit. Alle sind eingeladen das Haus noch ein letztes Mal mit Leben zu füllen, Kunst zu machen und zu sehen und Abschied zu nehmen von diesem einzigartigen Raum in Zürich. Perla-Mode. Always and Forever.

22.1. 2015

Wodoo Wolcan

Wodoo Wolcan

Jazz / Diggin / Vinyl / Nature / Herbs / Grappa / Garlic / Chili

Pierre Audétat

Pierre Audétat

Pianiste, claviériste, compositeur Pierre Audétat est présent sur la scène musicale depuis la fin des années 80. Au début des années 90, il se plonge dans les techniques numériques d’échantillonnage sonore (sampling). Après le piano jazz vers lequel il se destine au départ, le sampler devient alors en production comme en live son instrument principal. Il développe au fil du temps une technique de clavieriste unique en son genre.

Deep Space 3 (Pupato-Wagner-Hug)

Deep Space 3 (Pupato-Wagner-Hug)


Sharon from Africa

DJ Midnight Express

DJ Midnight Express

On October 6, 1970, while on holiday in Istanbul, Turkey, American college student Billy Hayes straps 2 kg of hashish blocks to his chest. While attempting to board a plane back to the United States with his girlfriend, Billy is arrested by Turkish police on high alert due to fear of terrorist attacks. He is strip-searched, photographed and questioned. After a while, a shadowy American (who is never named, but is nicknamed "Tex" by Billy due to his thick Texan accent) arrives, takes Billy to a police station and translates for Billy for one of the detectives. On questioning Billy tells them that he bought the hashish from a taxicab driver, and offers to help the police track him down in exchange for his release. Billy goes with the police to a nearby market and points out the cab driver, but when the police go to arrest the cabbie, Billy sees an opportunity and makes a run for it. He gets cornered in a building and is recaptured by the mysterious American.
